

Roles and responsibilities


Parmantier Baptiste (the creator of Mineral) is the author of the project.

The project author is responsible for the governance, standards and direction of the project. In a nutshell:

  • The Project Author decides which new projects should exist under the Mineral banner.
  • The Project Owner is responsible for assigning project members to the various tasks and for transferring tasks to a project member when an existing member retires.
  • It is the author's responsibility to share/document the framework's vision and keep members aligned with it.

Core team

Members of the core team are contributors who have made multiple valuable contributions to the project and are now relied upon to both write code directly to the repository and screen the contributions of others.

In many cases, they are programmers, but it is also possible that they contribute in a different role, for example, community engagement. Typically, a core team member will focus on a specific aspect of the project and will bring a level of expertise and understanding that earns them the respect of the community and the project lead.

The role of core team member is not an official one, it is simply a position that influential members of the community will find themselves in as the project lead looks to them for guidance and support.

The members of the core team have no authority over the general direction of the project. However, they do have the ear of the project leader. It is the responsibility of core team members to ensure that each member is aware of the needs of the community and the collective objectives, and to help develop or elicit appropriate contributions to the project.

Often, core team members are given informal control over their specific areas of responsibility and are given the right to directly modify certain parts of the source code. In other words, although core team members do not have explicit decision-making power, they will often find that their actions are synonymous with decisions made by the project owner.


Users are members of the community who need the project. They are the most important members of the community: without them, the project would have no reason to exist. Anyone can be a user; there are no specific requirements.

Users are encouraged to participate in the life of the project and the community as much as possible. User contributions enable the project team to ensure that it is meeting the needs of those users.

Users who continue to get involved in the project and its community will become more and more involved. These users can then become contributors, as described above.


All participants in the community are encouraged to provide support for new users within the project management infrastructure. This support is provided as a way of growing the community. Those seeking support should recognize that all support activity within the project is voluntary and is therefore provided as and when time allows.

Branding and Ownership

Only the projects under the mineral_ dart pub scope and the Mineral GitHub organization are managed and officially supported by the core team.

Also, you must not use the Mineral name or logos in a way that could mistakenly imply any official connection with or endorsement of Mineral. Any use of the Mineral name or logos in a manner that could cause customer confusion is not permitted.

Instead, you must use your own brand name in a way that clearly distinguishes it from Mineral.

Additionally, you may not use our trademarks for t-shirts, stickers, or other merchandise without explicit written consent.