

In a more modular approach, we often want to declare our events, commands, etc. on a different entry point from the main file.

To this end, the provider principle allows you to compartmentalise your application code into a single entry point, which can then be imported into your main.dart.


A modular architecture is often desired to declare our events, commands, etc. on a different entry point from the main file. A representative and recurring structure for a more business-oriented architecture might be as follows :

├── bin
│ └── main.dart
├── lib
│ └── application
│ │ └── tickets
│ │ └── commands
│ │ └── events
│ │ └── ticket_provider.dart 👈
│ └── domain
│ └── infrastructure


Providers are very easy to use, allowing you to declare your events, commands and much more in the constructor of a simple class.

Create an provider

First, we will execute a command from the CLI of the Mineral framework.

mineral make:provider <name>

Declaring a provider

A provider is a class that allows you to declare your events, commands, etc. in a modular way.

final class TicketProvider extends Provider {
final Client _client;
TicketProvider(this._client) {

In this case, we want to record all our events and commands relating to our ticket module in a ticket_provider.dart provider which will then be imported into your application's main.dart.

void main(_, port) async {
final client = ClientBuilder()
.setCache((e) => MemoryProvider())
.registerProvider( 👈
await client.init();

Event lifecycle

When your application loads your providers, they will automatically record your events and commands declared as constructors in the client.

However, it is possible to declare actions at certain points in your application's lifecycle.

The interaction points are as follows:

  • ready: When your bot has started up
  • dispose: When your application is in the process of stopping.
final class TicketProvider extends Provider {
final Client _client;
TicketProvider(this._client) {
FutureOr<void> ready() {}
FutureOr<void> dispose() {}